Climate change had a big impact on Antarctica’s nature. Antarctica’s ice has been melting since the past year. It also caused two flowers to grow faster than last year. As per scientist reports from the year 2009 to 2019 they have noticed a five times increase in growth of one plant species. What is the reason behind such unusual activities? We know you might be curious, so let’s get into the blog and learn about what’s happen with Antarctica now.

This growth of plants is due to the warming of the climate in Antarctica. Average summer air temperatures for Signy Island had increased 1.2 degrees Celsius from 1960 to 2011, before a “cold pulse” in 2012.  Why do we call it a bad sign? Because as we know and also as we studied from younger classes, human survival is not a possible thing in Antarctica and as the same applies to plants too it shows a red sign for global warming .

As we know, global warming isn’t a small issue as it results in a bigger impact. So we hope all the readers take care of pollution all over the world and Antarctica too. Do all of you think the same way? Let us know your thoughts in the comment sections below!

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